Information & Articles

First Appointment

In any family law, de-facto matter or estate matter, we will ask you to enter into an agreement with us, which sets out in detail the basis of our charging and which we will ask you to sign before undertaking any specific work.

We will generally charge you for work undertaken by a lawyer and non-professional staff on an hourly rate.

Your first appointment

Your first appointment is extremely important. During that appointment you will receive essential advice as to your rights; what your next steps ought to be and we will discuss and agree to the agreed course of action in your matter.  You will always see a Director or senior member of the firm unless you wish to see a specific member of staff

Unless you have extensive material for us to review prior to your meeting, your first meeting with us usually takes an hour to 90 minutes.  We will charge you on the basis of the time taken.

Disbursements are charged at cost.

At the outset of a matter, we generally ask that you provide to us a retainer amount, which we place in our trust account, which you authorise us to use for fees. The retainer amount must be topped up to keep it at the initially agreed amount.

We send accounts on a regular basis, usually monthly, which must be paid within 14 days of receipt.