Several years ago, I acted for a husband in a family law property matter. He was in his 70s, a senior professional man. The ..
Category: Articles
When is a Parent not a Parent?
Over the past five years, couples have approached the Family Court of Australia seeking a declaration of parentage arising f..
Recovery of Child Maintenance In The International Arena – An Australian Perspective
In Australia, the Child Support Registrar of the Department of Human Services (‘the Registrar’) is central authority res..
International Relationship Breakdown: Parenting And Property Issues
With the globalisation of family law, practitioners will often come across the difficult task of dealing with multi jurisdic..
“We speak the same language but say different things” – Applications for leave to proceed out of time – Family Law Act 1975
“For nearly 400 years, the policy of the law has been to fix definite time limits (usually six but often three years) for..